07 May 2010

Hangul Korengrish lesson

Here is the sign in Hangul for our Hotel in Taean.  The first 'character' is just the first syllable in the hotel's name, "Te", so the first symbol is a "T", the second and third a short "e".  The second "Character" is the letter M followed by the "a" that sounds like ahhh.  So the first 2 characters say Te Ma or Tema.  Third character has M again with the sound "uhh" under it.  So it say Muhhh.  4th chacter starts with the "T" and short e and has a backward "s" or a stylized 2 under it.  That character is the one responsible for most of the Korengrish, because it is both the "L" and the "R" sound in Hangul.  So the 3rd and 4th characters together are M uhhh t e l or Motel in english.

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