Sitting anywhere or on anything for 14 hours is a chore. I had a window seat and had to bother the guy next to me whenever I had to go to the toilet, which even in business class was same old standard issue airplane bathroom.
Every time I moved or changed the position of my seat the flight attendant was right there with Guava juice. I like Guava juice, but it just compounded the problem of the previous paragraph.
I think I slept about 3 hours of the trip and by the time we got to Inchon airport my eyes were hurting from being open for so long. After about an hour getting money and trying to get the rent a car we left the airport. The car had a GPS, but everything was in Korean. The rental guy programmed it for us and we followed the map as well as we could given the traffic and with that and a combination of directions and luck we made it to the Seoul Palace.