05 November 2007

Worked and went to Osan this past weekend

Now it is Monday evening and the weekend did not yield any post worthy material. That said, I have quite a backlog and I'm heading back on Wednesday. So late tonight I will be posting the mother of all blog updates. Hang on.


Iceman said...

If Osan is the same as it was back in the day, there is a good reason you couldn't have posted from there. Sooooo, How was the OB Beer, Grape Oscar, and Soju???

Iceman said...

Need you back for the Niceville Game!!! The I/S was in full throttle after the Choctaw Game.
Victory Cigars were burning into the late night!!!
Choctaw is looking for a new coach, and guess who's name is popping up ?!?!?

Tim said...

no grape oscar, plenty of soju, check tonight's post

don't know about Niceville, supposed to be in Atlanta this weekend, don't know when we are leaving

I can guess, but I would rather not