02 November 2007

weirdest thing about Korea so far

I have come to Taean from Seoul 4 times now, given the latest trip today (to the Incheon FEDEX, pretty weird all by itself) and this is the landmark I see that lets me know I am at the exit for Taean

there is some kind of Karmic joke being played her, but darned if I can understand it


Unknown said...

I looked up the vulgar expletive appropriate for your response. You might (very) discretely ask what "Shi-bal" is. It's somewhat akin to carnal knowledge in the London bobby textbook.

BTW I *won* the quiz, because I guessed grain. I'll take full credit for that answer, although I also guessed soybeans, which is really a legume. But does it really matter? Shi-bal!

Tim said...

flingy, you did not win the quiz no whinging, the decsion of the judge is final

in fact, the answer to the quiz was in the comments on a previous post where iceman and i were discussing and he told me that he had encountered that in the phillipines

no credit, let alone full!

Anonymous said...

You should consider applying there. With your previous employment with them you're sure to be a shoe-in and get senority to boot!...RKW

Iceman said...