02 November 2007

More outdoor drying stuff

This seems to be a popular method of food preparation here. I've seen drying rice, peppers, but mostly fish.

Here's drying cuttlefish outside a seafood shop on the side of the road. When I stopped to take this picture there were thousands on these poles and they were putting up more. The stench can't even be imagined, but now I know why the oriental stores in FWB smell the way they do.
and fish drying next to a restaurantmore fish drying next to a different restaurant
and fish drying in the middle of a tourist little park by the fishing fleet


Anonymous said...

I can almost smell the "drying" process throught the computer...RKW

Iceman said...

You should see it when they walk down the street holding one of those dried cuttle fish. It's flat like a frisbee and looks like beef jerky (which is really what it is, but fish). Then they'll ter into with their teeth and rip off a hunk. If the Kimchee smell doen't get you, the fish smell will.
Kind of reminds me of my first Mullet Festival

Tim said...

at the huge rest area on highway 15 they have a stall where they roll the dried cuttle fish with some onions or other vegetables and sell it with a kimshee dip, ummm fragrant