31 October 2007

New Quiz

OK, I got some good guesses to the last quiz. But unlike that one, I actually know the answer to this.

What is this in the road that I nearly ran over yesterday? The only hint I will give is that it is common in this part of Korea at this time of year. Ice, please don't answer.


Unknown said...

Greetings, Little Buddha. I'm dying to get some of that kimchee. It's kimchee, not the way you spell it from Mississippi (kimshee). It appears to be soybeans, or perhaps grain, but that doesn't make much sense, given that it's right next to the road. By the way, ask for calimari or pickled blue crab some time... it's great.

Tim said...

I have had lots of squid, mostly in soup

It is blue crab season (we will probably do a crab boil before I leave) so no pickled crab,\ yet I think, I will ask about it tomorrow

The Koreans pronounce it GIM-shee, with an aspiration on the "ch"

glad to hear from you

Iceman said...

I'm confused, what is the black tarp for?? In the Philippines they just throw it straight onto the road. That way it reacts like small ball bearings when you drive over it....
Special safety tip-

Anonymous said...

it's dirt or sand.
Don't know why, though

Anonymous said...

make sure you try the b'bim-bop before you leave, I predict you'll like it....rkw

Tim said...

rick, funny I finally had bibimbop today for the first time

i did like it, but I was majorly hung hover and still can't figure out why a raw egg on top of a bowl of food didn't turn my stomach completely into knots, but it was good

more on the hangover in a later post