30 October 2007

Korean Chicken Soup

My Korean host wanted to go get Korean Chicken soup, so rather than letting him eat alone (he lives in Seoul and the whole week he is down here he is away from his home and usually eats in the company cafeteria where he gets a ball of rice and some kimshee).
Here is the restaurant. We were the only customers at 7 PM. Hardwood and low tables as is usual. My hips hurt almost continuously now.Here's what we hadThe center bowl has a whole chicken in it (well, a small one) and a ball of rice along with ginger, green onions and a little bit of garlic. It tastes like chicken with rice soup from Campbells, more or less. From left to right are our accompaniments, raw garlic and green chilies that put jalapenos in the shade (Koreans dip both of these into the rep pepper paste in the small bowl next to it and eat them raw), kimshee, a bowl of salt (this is pretty much the only restaurant that I've seen salt in), a fermented soup that was very good but Mr. Ye couldn't tell me what it was only that fermentation was part of the process of making it, turnip kimshee and a small glass of water round out the meal. Koreans drink very little during dinner or lunch, unless it is beer or soju.

I'm hoping Korean chicken soup works like the jewish version.


Iceman said...

Have you run out of Imodium A-D yet??
Everytime I see the pictures of all that Korean food, it brings back memories (it's worse than Montazuma's Revenge).
Are they still heating their homes with chracoal blocks??

Iceman said...

Tim, You'd better get out of there before the "Winter Kimchee" gets ripe. That stuff will blow a whole in your shorts!!

Iceman said...

You don't realize it but your body will start reeking of kimchee as it permeates thru your pores. YOu'll be sleeping with Mac for a bout a week when you get home. Therefore, you need to set a "KCOD" (Kimchee Cut off Date, we used to call it "PCOD", but that was for something different).

Tim said...

Yea, I heard about the winter kimshee.

I only take a little bit to be polite. I don't think I've had enough to get through my pores, although I am on my way.

I haven't had to take the immodium, yet. But the last two days have been rather iffy.

There will be lots of posts about food because I can take pictures of that. SOme of the things I can't get pictures of because I'm driving. SSuch as today when I nearly got killed trying to avoid the large patch of rice that had been put in the road by some farmer to dry.

Iceman said...

That's the old Filipino rice drying trick. You crash your car because you drove over the rice they are drying in the road, then they ask for money 'cause they lost their crop.
You should try to drive over that stuff on a motorcycle!!

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.